Thursday, February 28, 2008


Yesterday we took a trip to Arusha, a city about 60 Km from Moshi where I am staying. Arusha is where the Rwanda War crimes Tribunal is located, and we were able to watch some of the of the trial. When we sat down in the visitors gallery a woman was the whiteness and she was being questioned by several lawyers in turn. As far as I can tell she had been given testimony there in the past, but a member of the current ruling party in Rwanda had told her to give false testimony about someone involved in the genocide. It was very interesting, but also quite tedious, as every question had to be translated back and forth; and in addition to the translation issue was that whenever a lawyer would ask a question one of the three judges would follow it up with a series of seemingly pointless questions that ran in a circle.

Moving on, no pictures today, sorry, I forgot my cable to connect my camera to the computer, maybe tomorrow or the next day. Besides, next week will probably have some of the best pictures of my trip because tomorrow I go on safari!

I am extremely excited about my safari. I am going with 5 other volunteer's from CCS, and we'll be gone all weekend. Tomorrow we leave around 11:00 or 11:30 for Lake Manyara, then on Saturday we will go to Ngorogoro Crater, and Sunday will be Tarangire park, before we come home. Lake Manyara is a smaller park, but is home to almost 3 million flamingos and a good variety of large African animals. Ngorogoro Crater is the park that I am the most excited for, it's a caldera over 20Km across, filled with lions and elephants and even rare black rhinos. Tarangire on our last day is where other volunteers have said they have seen the most animals, including a leopard last weekend, which are almost never seen.

Tonight I'll pack, and tomorrow we're off. I'll make sure to take as many pictures as possible, and I'll write sometime next week to tell you all about it. Bye for now.

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